A Journey of Personal Discovery
Offers A Map To Enlightenment
In the 1st part of his book - The Grand Illusion - author Christopher Speer
shares his personal spiritual journey and the experiences that revealed to
him the universal principles that transformed his life. The author’s
description of his own real life situations and how the applications of
these principles changed his life, step by step, demonstrates the spiritual
laws of the universe in which we exist and operate each day, which exist
as surely as gravity, regardless of our awareness or opinions.
The 2nd part of the book outlines 20 Habits that anyone can practice
in their daily life. This book takes the subject of spiritual transformation
from the impenetrable into the everyday realm of the accessible and
comprehensible. By experiencing the workability of these habitual actions
for ourselves, we can transform our lives from stress and drama to the rich
fulfillment and inner peace we crave.
The Grand Illusion offers a map that everyone can use to take their life
from the darkness of suffering, resentment, and negative emotions, into the
light of internal peace, love and the joy of existence and connection.
Click to read the Introduction
Google Preview REVIEWS “It is VERY good. Fine piece of work. I have edited many books but this is the
only one that has the jewel and the lotus and the muddy pool all in harmony.
Rings true throughout my spiritual mountain climb and resonates
with the ones whom I noticed were ahead of me.
This is a handbook for people who have been round the track a few
times. Blessings, Douglas".
- Author, teacher, healer, Douglas Buchanan.
"Christopher Speer's spiritual journey is outlined in this seminal work.
It invites the reader to explore their own pathway, by a stimulating
and enthralling account of some of the author's life and experiences.
His insight and conclusions strike a chord with the seeker.
His 20 habits of transformation offers the practitioner an ordered pathway.
Quotations of avatars past and present, lace the chapters and embrace
the subject matter. A must volume for the library of those who seek or
who have entered the stream."
- Laurence Chetwood Biomedical Scientist UK retired.
"I just wanted to say 'thank you' again for your wonderful book, 'The Grand Illusion'!
It is transforming my life! I shall read it over and over again!
It is my reference manual for LIFE!" - Janice Kronos, Fashion Illustrator retired
"Chris Speer’s book ‘The Grand Illusion’ is a tour de force.
If somebody of great insight and character spent decades searching for meaningful and beautiful answers to the great questions and for ways to bring those answers to bear on the difficulties as well as the triumphs of our lives, they might want to write a book about it.
The Grand Illusion is that book.
The love that Chris has discovered to be at the heart of all our stories and the source of all meaningful solutions, comes shining through.
We all are different, that’s for sure, but there is so much here, such a variety of ideas, approaches and discoveries, that everyone will find multiple ways of approaching their goals and desires as well as dissolving any roadblocks in their path.
Wherever you are in your life, The Grand Illusion will support
you in achieving your next step and help you help others do the same." - Paul Humphrey - Painter, Graphic Designer, Illustrator.
"My greatest teacher once told me that books “will find you when you most need them”. I was definitely ‘in need’, becoming lost in a forest of spiritual help guides and youtube outakes. Having been raised without much spiritual awareness at all I discovered Reiki around the age of 30. This is where my spiritual journey started; I questioned everything around me…
The process of spiritual growth coupled with significant life events was difficult to understand at times and I sought explanation through the teachings of Ramtha, Tolle, & Esther Hicks. All authors struck a chord with me but the difference with The Grand Illusion is that it echoes them all. Upon reading it became a ‘manual / reference’ document that I can depend upon. In actual fact the author Christopher Speer’s own spiritual journey paralleled my own so much that the text felt ‘familiar’ throughout the chapters and the first half of the book. In addition the second half of the book (20 habits) will remain my collective reference point encompassing my favourite books so far.
An essential read & support for the blossoming soul. Namaste".
- Lee Riley, Reiki healer
“The principles described in this book gave me the ability to access the thing
I had been searching for my whole life – my connection to my own internal
wisdom. These principles and tools gave me the ability to let go of my self-
created prison of uncertainty, confusion, sadness and victim-hood.
Once I released those things, a state of love, happiness and responsibility
became the norm in my life. The information provided in this book, while very
straight forward and practical, contains gems of truth that will be of value and
can lead to amazingly transformative experiences to anyone who decides to read
and apply it".
- Quinn Gleeson, Licensed Massage Therapist, Polarity Therapist
"I thoroughly enjoyed Chris Speer's book, Grand Illusion, and felt at times
during reading it that I was right there with him in his discoveries. To those involved in creative pursuits, Chris has clearly isolated the very things which can block progress and for this I give great thanks. Without being dictatorial or preachy he has created a path toward greater success and fulfillment which any reader can explore
and come back to in times of need.
With appreciation, Laurel"
"I have read the Grand Illusion and it is incredible, life-changing stuff. Much of it resonates with my own life's journey, It feels as if your book has filled in a lot of the gaps,pieces of the puzzle now really fit in. Can't tell you how illuminating the book is and I am recommending it to as many people as I can".
- Helen Rhodes NLP Practioner, Reiki Healer. "I just finished reading "The Grand Illusion", and I am impressed. This book contains universal truths and wisdom.
It is an empowering self-help book which I recommend to anyone who is a seeker".
- Judith Steiner, LMHC Psychotherapist Certified TIR & LSR
“ It is a truly fine book, it definitely delivers everything it promises on the back cover.
True seekers will find what they are seeking here…
a clear path to their inner Self and guide lines for following it.
Anyone fortunate enough to find The Grand Illusion will be blessed, enriched,
comforted, inspired and challenged. The Grand Illusion will NOT go on the shelf
with my other inspirational reading... it will be on my coffee table or on my night stand
within easy reach, as accessible in a sense, as its content.
Below is a photo of what TGI looks like after my first reading.
Love, blessings, and gratitude!"
- Shirley Buchanan, Retired Teacher, Reiki Master and Certified Body Talk Practitioner.
London West End dancer and personal trainer Ben Humphrey reading the Grand Illusion.
The Grand Illusion in the iconic Ark spiritual bookshop in Santa Fe, NM.
"The Grand Illusion is a record of one man’s search for Truth, Knowledge
and Understanding. Author Christopher Speer shares with us all that he found on this journey. He describes the Universal Laws that we all need to be aware of, to awaken us, to find out who we really are and question the Center from which all comes - to ask the question WHO AM I? A book of substance and refreshing shared experiences with sign posts to assist on one’s personal journey".
- Yvonne Palese, RN, BS. Holistic Wellness Consultant.
"This book has helped me so much.
Unlike so many others I have read
it took me to the important subjects easily and concisely.
It was painless - I didn’t have to wade through unnecessary malarkey to get to the juicy stuff. Anyone seeking enlightenment should read this book".
- Victor Alvarez, singer, musician and bandleader.
"Reading this book is like listening to a piece of music
where you don't want to miss a note".
Petra Babankova - Classical Guitarist
"Great Book....whether you are just beginning on this path or have been
active for a while there is valuable insight...the 20 habits alone will help keep one centered in a world that can seem insane.... I pick a different habit each day...thank you Christopher for sharing".
- John Warnes - Attorney
"This book is appropriate for anyone who wants to become more spiritually
awakened and aligned to universal fundamentals.
It was what I needed as I had undergone massive changes in my life
– some of which were positive and some challenging. It gave me new ideas
for transforming my thinking and feeling my best.
In a way, it was like an update to my internal spiritual operating system!
Although I have carefully reflected on each word, I look forward to
referring back to these truths often.
A spiritual masterpiece!"
- Michael Wright, Pharmaceutical company sales manager.